The back

Complaints of the back are very frequent. It is assumed that three-quarters of the people do have a history of back pain. Least once in his or her life for some time burden This usually involves pain in the lower back. Back pain is a very loaded complaint, since it is known that back problems largely responsible for long-term disability. And therefore a large part of the money that should be in the context of sickness and disability benefits paid. Nevertheless, these complaints will eventually be chronic in only a very small proportion of people with back pain.


''What now looks like a spine? The back is made up of a number of 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral vertebrae and a tail. All these vertebrae are constructed according to the same basic pattern (see figure).

There is a vertebral body to which a vertebral arch in place. On this arc protrusions attached thereto gewrichtjes.

The vertebral bodies are stacked on top of each other. Between two vertebrae is the intervertebral disc. Form the vertebral arches with each other a tube in which the spinal cord runs. Comes between any two vertebrae, a nerve emerges. From the spinal cord on either side These nerves then go to the arms or legs and provide movement and feeling.

One of the most important structures in the back is called the intervertebral disc. Central to this is a core (a nucleus) which consists of a gelatinous mass. This core is surrounded by a strong connective tissue ring, which is attached to the two vertebrae has grown .. The gelatinous nucleus is trying to suck up water and will thus continuously so swell. This swelling, however, is impeded by the annulus fibrosis and above and below the adjacent vertebra. This creates a shock effect. (Compare an inflated balloon in a box when you try to push).

As we age reduces the ability of the intervertebral disc to absorb water. Also, the connective tissue slowly less elastic. This process is called degeneration and thus occurs when everyone on. As a result, the disc is narrower, and takes the shock absorber function.
