The shoulder

The shoulder is a complex joint made up of several bones: the clavicle (medical name 'clavicle), humerus (medical name "humerus") and scapula (medical name' scapula). 
The firm muscles provide stability and a joint capsule provides protection. By this construction, the shoulder can be both fore and aft, lateral and rotational movements. 

The stability of the shoulder joint is greatly dependent on the effect of four different muscles. The great mobility of the joint has the effect of joint head and joint socket are not tightly fit together, such as at the hip joint, but that pulling the muscles around the shoulder of the head in the bowl. The collective name for these muscles, the rotator cuff. The location of these muscles often causes inklemmingsklachten between the head of the arm and the top of the scapula. When lifting the arm this space is smaller. A bursa between the muscles and the roof of the shoulder normally prevents damage from movement. 
Problems, diseases and disorders
Various problems may occur such as on the shoulder: overload, tendon and bursitis, rotator cuffletsel, frozen shoulder, fractures (fractures), dislocation (dislocated) and arthritis. 

By repeated movements with little variation and aging the soft tissue around the joint can become wedged. This irritates the tendons and the bursa causing inflammation may arise from the tendon (tendinitis) and the bursa (bursitis). Around the shoulder then creates a swelling and moving hurts. A tendon and bursitis can be best treated by giving the shoulder rest and analgesics. 

With rotator cuff tendons and the muscles around the joint that ensure sturdiness. Injury to this usually occurs by injuries, for example, by a fall or strain during sports. But it can cause injury as well. Aging, inflammation of the tendons and bursae, or arthritis of the shoulder This is especially common in people who do repetitive movements with the arm above the head. 

A fall or a blow to the shoulder dislocation (dislocated) or fracture may result. 

Also diseases associated with inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and infectious arthritis can cause pain in the shoulder, and the capacity to move affect. 

Shoulder dislocation